
About Emy Tafelski

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So far Emy Tafelski has created 87 blog entries.

Alcohol and its Effects on Anxiety

Did you know that about 1 in every 13 people worldwide struggle with anxiety? Symptoms can show up in various uncomfortable ways, like: uncontrollable worry, sweating, trembling hands, nausea, nervousness, [Read More]

By |2021-07-11T16:12:09+00:00June 29, 2021|

4 Counseling Myths, Debunked

Mental health and well-being are a more visible topic these days. Part of mental health care can include meeting with a therapist and receiving support for your body, mind, and [Read More]

By |2021-06-23T00:31:36+00:00June 22, 2021|
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