By Published On: April 2, 2020

The world as we know it has shifted, rather abruptly, and it is difficult to know, right now, how things will look when the dust settles.

There are so many feelings that may be popping up for all of you right now. Coronavirus, COVID 19, whatever you want to call it. It’s intense. Surviving social isolation is possible, even in this wild time.

Let me begin by saying that your feelings are valid, whatever they are.

These are unprecedented times. It makes sense to be feeling all.of.the.things, including sadness at what is happening, grief at what has been lost, joy at deeper connections with those in your immediate vicinity, or even your pets, contentment at finally getting your closet cleaned or catching up on your favorite show, happiness dancing in the kitchen, or whatever else you may be feeling. If you have anxiety it may be feeling more pronounced right now even if you have done lots of work and have lots of tools. This makes sense as well.  Even if you’ve never had anxiety before, you may be experiencing some now due to the highly unsettled nature of things currently.

We see you. We get it. And your feelings are valid.

As a therapist, I want you to feel connected even in an age where we’re asked to physically keep distance between people. Below I have put together some ideas for decreasing anxiety and increasing connection, to yourself and others, during these trying times:

Allowance and acceptance

Person meditating for spiritual growth could use online therapy in Florida. Read an online therapist's tips about surviving social isolation during COVID 19. Coronavirus anxiety for online counseling in Florida and quality telehealth in Florida. St. Petersburg online therapists from Me Therapy can help you!This is a great opportunity to practice allowance, acceptance, even grace for yourself and your feelings, whatever they may be. A great way to do this is to meet your feelings where they are and allow them. Give them space to be how they are and do what they need to. Meet them with acceptance. When was the last time you met your feelings with allowance and acceptance? Create some space around them with your breath, letting them (and yourself) know that they are valid. When we meet them with acceptance and allowance we are in a place of awareness and curiosity rather than judgment. When we meet our feelings where they are it decreases anxiety and helps our nervous system to settle.

Presence (even in a pandemic)

Presence is a gift you can give yourself and your loved ones, even your pets! When we are present we engage with what is real and true, on a moment to moment basis, without judgment. Being present in the here-and-now also helps us to reduce anxiety. It helps us to get out of the cycle of worry and judgment and into what is right in front of us. For me, right at this moment, the here and now includes one cat on my lap and one snoring next to me. This moment right here contains peace and joy for me.

Surviving social isolation takes mindfulness:
moment-to-moment awareness with non-judgment

My mind is present in this moment, not looking ahead and worrying or beating myself up for doing or not doing something at another time. I am here, now. Similarly, when we are fully present with our loved ones it creates deeper intimacy and greater connection. Try it and see! One way to practice this is to touch hands with your partner and be fully present with all of the sensations happening in your hand as it touches theirs.  The current situation lends itself to the practice of presence as we can be nowhere but the here and now physically!!

And, some more tangible ideas for surviving social isolation:

  • Get out into the sun every day! Sunlight is good for just about everything.
  • Move every day! It doesn’t have to be a full-on exercise routine but move the energy through your body in some way.
  • Reach out virtually to connect with friends and family. We are social creatures and need those connections. As unfamiliar as it may be to reach out, your people will appreciate it and when we reach out with love and care it increases those feelings inside of us too!!
  • Sit in your yard and wave to neighbors walking in the neighborhood (bonus you also get sun with this one!)

Single cup of tea with flowers for online therapy in Florida to survive social isolation during COVID 19. Coronavirus has us all looking for online counseling in Florida and quality telehealth in Florida. St. Petersburg online therapists from Me Therapy can help you!If you have been safe at home with your partner for many days, create new rituals for connection and fun…take virtual museum tours, play games or cards, start a gratitude practice, look through old pictures of past vacations and reminisce. Tell jokes and laugh together.

Keep coming back to the present moment (I am repeating myself…this is really important!!)!!

Please remember to reach out for support when you need it!!!

I get it. Reaching out can seem overwhelming or too big sometimes. But, if not now, when? What are you waiting for? Let’s get this started now, so you feel better sooner.

Ready to Start Online Therapy in Florida?

Getting started with online counseling in Florida is easier than most of the things we’re all doing right now! You can get the mental health support you need with a skilled telehealth therapist. To begin, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact us to request an appointment
  2. Meet with one of our online therapists from the comfort of your home
  3. Get support & begin your journey toward mental wellness & connection today!

Other Mental Health and Wellness Services at ME-Therapy

Therapy can take many forms. At our St. Petersburg therapy & wellness clinic, we want to will help your mind but also want to feed your soul. This means our therapists and wellness team take a holistic approach to your wellbeing. In order to do this, our therapists offer individual therapy for womentherapy for mentrauma therapytherapy for anxietyart therapy and holistic, spiritual therapy. In addition to standard marriage counseling & couples therapy, our relationship therapists also provide sex therapyaffair recovery counseling and poly-friendly kink aware therapy.

All of these services can be provided in-person at our St. Petersburg, FL counseling clinic or anywhere in the state with online therapy in Florida. If you have any questions about therapy, please visit our FAQ page! Also, you may consider reading more of our blog posts to get to know us a bit better. Finally, thank you for allowing ME-Therapy to be a part of your life journey!

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