Online Therapy, have you ever tried it? Every individual can find some sort of benefit from therapy, though many find it difficult to begin. It can be tough! Trying to find the right office, the right location, the right therapist that you connect with, the right rate, the right style… heck even the courage to start!
Online therapy in Florida could be the answer.
Time is often limited, and we get it.
It has always been a challenge to find time to connect with others and take quality care of yourself. Between work, taking care of your kids, food shopping, cooking, running errands, and maybe squeezing in some tv before bed… who has time for much else? Especially now with the presence of Covid, connection to others and maintaining your mental and physical health has gotten even tougher. It also has never been more important to do so.
Through online therapy in Florida, you can start your journey in the comfort of your home without having to worry about taking time to drive to an office.
What does online therapy in Florida look like?
While counseling is traditionally done in an office, doing it online still gives you the opportunity to connect face to face with someone in a confidential space to work through anything you’re looking to address. In a time where Zoom and Facetime have been what has kept us able to see our friends and family safely, you’ve probably already grown used to virtually meeting with others.
Are there benefits to meeting a therapist online?
Meeting with a counselor online can ultimately allow you more options to meet since you won’t have to make the drive to an office. Perhaps before work in the comfort of your bed, sitting on the couch after getting home from your job, between work meetings, during your lunch break, or even in your car! Having the ability to have your session in any space you feel most comfortable in, as well as with your adorable pet next to you or in the coziest sweatpants you own if you’d like, can help ease the anxiousness and nerves that often come with the start of your wellness journey.
Online therapy in Florida can also help those who have children.
Instead of having to try to figure out childcare while attending your session, you can opt to have them either in the room next to you or with you in the room. Headphones for one or both of you can help provide more privacy if needed.
You can also find a therapist who is physically further from you if you opt for online services.
Attending sessions in the office will probably cause you to choose a therapist out of locational ease. While you may be lucky enough to find a therapist in your local area that you connect with, sometimes you may have to look a little further from home. By participating in online counseling in Florida, you are opening yourself up to professionals in other cities in Florida, and can even find more specialized individuals whose style or expertise is more geared toward what you’ve been looking for.
So how can you begin the journey of online therapy in Florida?
We would love to help you get started. Take a look at our website and read around. Does any of it feel like it hits home? If you feel like anything speaks to you or find yourself curious to learn more, check out our information pages of our therapists. There you can find out if any of them feel like a good fit for you.
If so, give us a call.
Talking to our Client Care Coordinator can help provide you with a little more information and insight into who our therapists are, what their specialties are, their rates, and other valuable info. From there, you can schedule your first appointment and your therapist will reach out with some introductory information and a link to access your confidential chat window. You can also send them any thoughts or questions that may come up for you prior to your first meeting with them.
Online therapy can seem unfamiliar and unconventional, we hear you, but we ask you to give it a try. With so much to benefit from, as well as our therapists having experience working virtually, we are confident we can help you conquer your obstacles and live a more full and authentic life.
Ready to Start Online Therapy in St. Pete?
Beginning the journey to your best self is easier than most of the things we’re all doing right now! Therapy does not have to wait. You can get the mental health support you need with a skilled therapist in St. Pete or with online therapy in Florida. To begin, just follow these simple steps:
- Contact us to request an appointment
- Meet with one of our experienced therapists.
- Get support & begin your journey toward mental wellness & connection today!
Other Mental Health and Wellness Services at ME-Therapy
At ME-Therapy, we believe in the importance of mental, emotional & physical wellbeing. Our therapists want to help your mind but also want to feed your soul. This means we take a holistic approach to mental health. In order to do this, we offer a wide range of mental health services in our St. Petersburg office and online including therapy for women, therapy for men, trauma therapy, and holistic, spiritual therapy. For couples and relationships, we want you to know that our relationship therapists are here for you ALL. In addition to marriage counseling, we provide sex therapy, affair recovery counseling, and poly-friendly kink-aware therapy.