By Published On: November 9, 2020

Men, does it feel to you that marriage counseling is somehow women’s work? Or at least more focused on a woman’s needs than yours? Do you at times feel lost when the conversation turns to your emotional relationship with your partner? Would you prefer to talk about concrete “things” rather than emotions? 

If you could learn how to anticipate your emotional reactions and those of your partner, hear what they are saying, empathize with them, offer support and be able to move on together without rehashing the past, would you say that was a good thing? 

Marriage counseling can be the practical solution that will bring you and your partner emotionally closer. How Men Can Get The Most From Marriage Counseling

It can help you become more fully engaged in your relationship and in your individual life as well. It can add to who you are as a partner and a man without fundamentally changing who you are. 

You may have a preconceived notion of what marriage counseling is and that it is something to be avoided or a sign of weakness and failure. It doesn’t have to be any of that and isn’t in the hands of a good therapist. Good marriage counseling is, at its deepest level, blameless towards each of the individuals involved, the therapist is a neutral participant in the sessions. It is said that in couples counseling the relationship is the client and the therapists’ job is to guide the relationship back to health. 

Marriage counseling is educational. 

It is where you learn the tools to help direct you back on course to a healthy fulfilling life with the person you love. In many cases it is where a couple learns to love again.

Marriage counseling is about the present time in your relationship. 

Counseling can aid you in learning acceptance, that the past is past, and help you authentically live in the here and now with love and respect for each other. Building a healthy connection filled with love, compassion and empathy for each other. Some men might joke that this is women’s work, well yes it is, but no more than it is every man’s work. 

Maybe you have experienced the emotionally deadening circular argument style where any little frustration from the present brings up aches and wounds of the past.

Arguments where every disagreement heads down the same dark well of blame and recrimination leaving you feeling angry and drained. Marriage counseling can help end this cycle offering you more control and helping you achieve a closer more caring relationship.

Men, is it possible that in your experience when the topic of marriage counseling comes up so do red flags? Do you feel you are somehow going to be caught up in a game of emotional blame and shame?

This reaction really is not surprising when you consider how boys are taught to repress their emotions, to “not let it get to you.”

How many times have you had male friends who openly talk about their emotional experiences aside from exhilarating adventures or that scary traffic accident? How are you to hold your own when, in a heated discussion, you need to express a complex range of feelings when you have had so few role models? Your marriage counselor will be able to understand this and meet you where you are in session. They will be able to model the strength inherent in being vulnerable and the empowering nature of constructively letting go of your anger or grief. 

From marriage counseling you will gain a sense of freedom and empowerment when in an emotional setting. How Men Can Get The Most From Marriage CounselingYou will gain an understanding of your and your partner’s motivations. A way of disagreeing which is both blameless and productive.  For yourself you stand to find a path to living your best life, to move towards deeper authenticity and acceptance of yourself just as you are today, to feel heard and loved. 

How do men get the most out of marriage counseling? By putting aside preconceived notions of marriage counseling, by being open to sharing with your partner and by allowing yourself to experience the non-judgmental nature of the process. In many ways, simply by showing up. Are you ready? Call now to schedule your first session. 

By Bob Ryan, LMHC

Ready to Start Marriage Counseling in Florida?

Beginning the journey to your best relationship is easier than most of the things we’re all doing right now! Marriage counseling in St. Petersburg does not have to wait. You can get the mental health support you need with a skilled therapist in St. Pete or with online therapy in Florida. To begin, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact us to schedule an appointment
  2. Meet with one of our experienced therapists.
  3. Get support & begin your journey toward mental wellness & connection today!

Other Mental Health and Wellness Services at ME-Therapy

At ME-Therapy, we believe in the importance of mental, emotional & physical wellbeing. Our therapists want to help your mind but also want to feed your soul. This means we take a holistic approach to mental health. In order to do this, we offer a wide range of mental health services in our St. Petersburg office and online including therapy for womentherapy for mentrauma therapytherapy for anxiety, and holistic, spiritual therapy. For couples and relationships, we want you to know that our relationship therapists are here for you ALL. In addition to marriage counseling, we provide sex therapyaffair recovery counseling, and poly-friendly kink aware therapy.

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