
About Emy Tafelski

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So far Emy Tafelski has created 87 blog entries.

Valentine’s Day Gifts

Are you thinking about Valentine's Day Gifts for your partner? I am a big proponent of shared experiences over gifts.  Thinking back over my life there are very few gifts [Read More]

By |2017-03-08T15:35:07+00:00February 11, 2014|

Let Go

Have you noticed that you are white knuckling your relationship, your job or your home life?  Holding on as tight as you can and trying to fit it all into [Read More]

By |2013-09-05T13:47:34+00:00September 5, 2013|

Be Nice!

Be nice, be nice, we are told when we are children. The message is that it isn’t nice to speak our truth. Speaking up, speaking out isn’t nice behavior. We [Read More]

By |2013-07-19T12:27:30+00:00July 17, 2013|
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